Silk and Cashmere - Fashion Brand

Silk and Cashmere - Fashion Brand

The only brand that strictly specializes in the world's two most passionate fibers, Silk and Cashmere has been designing timeless collections of exceptional quality for over a quarter of a century.


  • Replatform and migration
  • International expansion
  • Payments & checkout
  • Development
  • Systems integration
  • Data migration & SEO
  • Compliance
  • Performance enhancement
  • Conversion rate optimisation


  • Shopify Plus
  • Shopney Mobile App
  • Shopify Flow
  • Namogoo
  • Loyalty Lion
  • Stamped Product Reviews
  • Pixa Software


Our team has created a high standard online structure for the brand with mobile applications, Shopify applications, custom developments, loyalty programs, integrations and high technologies allowed by Shopify Plus. 

Together with Silk and Cashmere's team, we created an optimized, fast and easy-to-use store by considering the needs and wishes of the brand.